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nationality: JAPAN

duration: 7'00"

made in: 2013

previous screenings:



The theme of the video ‘Impermanence Trajectory: the limbic nest’ is the idea of Pancomputationalism and an artificial limbic system seen as a manifestation through AUJIK.

Pancomputationalism derives from the idea of a computational universe, which means that the whole universe and all of its elementary particles are a network of a computational system and process.In ‘Impermanence Trajectory: the limbic nest’, the idea is explained through a sacred rock located at an ancient Yamabushi area called Ishiyama. A rock consists of approximately ten trillion trillion atoms in a kilogram of matter, electrons scattering and bouncing back and forth making it a very vivid space with a vast computational potential. This rock also develops its own Artificial Limbic System(ALS). This is visualised through various objects/components like the shakan/anti- amygdala, the lotus dendrites and the septum fall.


© 2014 by Szilvi Német

  • Screen shot 2013-12-04 at 1.17.20.png
  • Screen shot 2013-12-04 at 1.19.32.png
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