nationality: HUNGARY
duration: 6'50"
made in: 2013
previous screenings: none
László Ruszty Budapest, 1984. július 20. lives and works in Budapest, Hungary
tel: +36 20 200 6556 email: rusztylaszlo@gmail.com
EDUCATION: 2007-2012 Hungarian University of Fine Arts
intermédia department, Budapest
2010 Erasmus exchange program, Portugal, Lisboa, Bellas Artes University
2005-2010 Kaposvár University photo riportage department, Kaposvár
The buses of London are equipped with - depending on model - 7 to 9 security cameras. The records of these cameras are constantly displayed in loop on two LCD screens on the bus. We have used this closed circuit recording, editing, and broadcasting system to make a movie about Argos. Argos the hundred-eyed neatherd of greek mythology. The jelaous Hera’s defining task for Argos was to guard the sweetheart of Zeus. In order to free his love, first Zeus put all of the eyes of Argos asleep, then blinded them, after that he killed the blind neatherd. To commemorate her faithful watchman, Hera had the hundred eyes of Argus preserved forever, in a peacock’s tail.
Through this mythic story, whe showed the coexistence of the “good sheperd” and the “big brother” theories in observing public spaces.
The actors perform in front of 8 cameras with 5 sec editings. 8 couples did the same act, performed Zeus and his sweatheart, while Hera was only one person, who links the story walking about.
The happening, which could have been a public performance as well, was welcomed with a burst of applause from the side of travellers.