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nationality: HUNGARY

duration: 2'04"

made in: 2013

previous screenings: Országos Művészeti Diákköri Konferencia, Eger, 2013



My name is Edina Fazekas (°1988, Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary), I usually create mixed media artworks, paintings and photos. With a subtle minimalistic approach, I try to approach a wide scale of subjects in a multi-layered way, like to involve the viewer in a way that is sometimes physical and believes in the idea of function following form in a work.

My name is Enikő Fodor (°1991, Jászberény, Hungary), I create media artworks, photos and films. My media artworks are an investigation into representations of (seemingly) concrete ages and situations as well as depictions and ideas that can only be realized in media art. With Plato’s allegory of the cave in mind, she creates work in which a fascination with the clarity of content and an uncompromising attitude towards conceptual and minimal art can be found.





Our project, called Veil is a videoinstallation. Recently we have spent a lot of time with shooting, observing and generating shadows. The basic of the project was a spontanious photoshoot, which we thought further, cleared and edited into a video. Our work is a „standing -motion”, its rhythm is given by the shadow’s constant change. During the composition of our work we wanted to create an effective imagery with the least means, versus today’s media’s visual bombing. The vision shown is positively simple and is based on strong symbols since shadow has a reach variety in artistic definitions. We tried not to give a too concrete title to our video, so that the video can speak for itself and could mean different things to people.






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